Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Analyse three different TV adverts and state which persuasive skills and lines of appeal have been used

Advert 1

Product Name: Lynx 

Persuasive techniques:  The Lynx advert uses the persuasive of opposite gender attraction to gain the audience attention

Product USP Gender attraction                        Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBrX7fBkjv8


Advert 2

Product Name Adidas

Persuasive techniques: The Adidas uses the slogan ‘there will be haters’ which is a broad statement where many people different age and gender can relate to.

Product USP Celebrity endorsement, Slogan                 Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNiGSf2Sy30


Advert 3

Products Name: Cadbury Chocolate

Persuasive Techniques: Humour the laughing factor is used well throughout the advert by having a guy in a gorilla suit makes the advert stand out

Product USP Humour, Music                                              Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnzFRV1LwIo  
Task 3

Old Advert                                                         New Advert

Contains the Product
There Protagonist in the new advert
Contains Music
Can see the product being used

Slogan in the new advert

Facts in the new advert

Types of persuasive technique
Link to an advert which this technique
Adjectives, Crisp fresh
The Anecdote

Tv Advertising

Television advertising is the biggest form of advertising in the twenty-first centaury. What is TV advertising?  Companies would pay television broadcasters to put their product on commercial for roughly 30 seconds.

Task 2

Monty The Penguin

1.One key characteristics is they know audience demographics which is C1
2.They have a Christmas theme
3.They know the age group the target is aimed for.

Mark and Spencer’s
Adventures In Imagination
With the title “adventure in imagination” it’s a great play on words due to advert is speechless.
2. The images in the advert are very big as they cover up the screen

3. The music playing in the advert was very chilling.